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Wasm By Example


Importing Javascript Functions Into WebAssembly


When you are instantiating Wasm modules, you are able to pass in an importObject. This importObject can be used to call host (Javascript) functions within Wasm! In this example, we will import and implement a simple console.log, which is called within Wasm:


First, let's start with our index.ts:

// Declared `importObject` function
declare function consoleLog(arg0: i32): void;

// Log out the number 24

Then, let's compile that into a wasm module, using the AssemblyScript Compiler, which will output a index.wasm:

asc index.ts -b index.wasm

Next, Let's load / instantiate the was module, index.wasm in a new index.js file. The only difference here, compared to earlier examples, is that this time we will be passing in our importObject into our wasmBrowserInstantiate. This import object will have a property, consoleLog, which matches the declared function consoleLog in our index.ts. Note: for Assemblyscript version 0.7.0, declared imports need to be wrapped in the index property of the importObject. In later versions of AssemblyScript this may change. But let's see the example below:

const runWasm = async () => {
  // Instantiate our wasm module
  // And pass in a wasm module
  const wasmModule = await wasmBrowserInstantiate("./index.wasm", {
    index: {
      consoleLog: value => console.log(value)

Lastly, lets load our ES6 Module, index.js Javascript file in our index.html. And you should get something similar to the demo (Source Code) below!


And that's it for the basics! Next, lets took a look at some "Advanced Web Demos", with an example of Reading and Writing Graphics with WebAssembly.